Bowl Pool Entry Form

Don't misspell your email. This will prevent you from getting a receipt of your picks and may cause headaches for James. You may reuse email addresses for several people's picks, the name disambiguates.

Once you have made all your selections, please scroll up and verify that they are all correct before submitting. After you press submit, you should see a page that says “TODO.” If you are done making selections, you may close the page. If you are submitting for multiple people, click "Submit another response" (you may also use the link to this form in the email at a later time). You will be sent a receipt (to the email provided in the form) for each set of picks that you submit, and the emails will contain a copy of the selected picks.

If you later realize you have made a mistake, re-submit the form. The latest form you submit will be the picks used in the competition. All rules still apply – so if you resubmit after the entry deadline time, you will incur automatic losses.

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